Monday, July 16, 2007

The Dark Part of Darkness

In the upcoming and future entries, I will be expanding on the feelings of the characters I describe. Recently, I have found that I'm focusing primarily on states of being in which I have invested so much of myself in living in the real world. While that's good for me as a person, I feel it's important to delve deeper as a writer. I'm going to begin exploring the darker parts of my characters. There has to be a reason to look to the good. I think there is always some force that causes us to hope, almost as a reactionary behavior. If these characters don't need strength and courage, optimism and hope, they won't have it. So, I will be focused on giving them those reasons. Some stories may not have rays of hope initially. I will also be exploring some characters that are not sympathetic and may even be villainous.

After all, what good is a protagonist without an antagonist? This update is simply fair warning. I'm not the type of person who spends too much time on despair or anger. I mostly choose reasons to be happy over reasons to be sad. Like I've said many times, however, the harmony needs the dissonance. Don't worry when you see those entries. It's still just little old me. But I think they will be important and I look forward to getting to work on those.

I realized also, that with the introduction of my Song Series posts and all the links I provided, I did not provide any way to actually hear "The Stone". Thanks to YouTube, I can. This version clocks in at about 7 minutes. Enjoy:

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