On the longest day of the year, the sky stops to honor the official launch of my weblog! It is the summer solstice for us Northern Hemisphere types. Today, the Earth tilts on its axis toward the Sun for us more than any other time during the year. The Sun stands still in declination, which is its movement north or south, at the actual solstice. According to Coordinated Universal Time, this will happen at 6:06 p.m.
The Solstice provides much food for thought in my eyes. The light of day is something I truly look forward to. I do some of my best thinking at night before I fall asleep. That next day is the time for me to put those thoughts into action. Whether that involves fixing or enjoying some aspect of my relationships with other people or whether it is some idea that can be worked into my writing, the light of day tells me it's time to go to work. Fortunately for me, I believe in doing work that makes me happy in some way.
That light also breaks the darkness of night. It is something obvious that has gone on for millions of years, but it bears repeating. I take great solace in the idea that no matter what happens after sunset, no matter the struggles of harsh or dark times, there is always a sunrise on the other end of it. Light and dark balance each other, but they also complement. The emptiness provides a fallow place and time for my mind to renew. Without this dark time, no idea could germinate and become fertile in the daytime sun. And that is part of the way I work.
There aren't too many holidays that have been sparked by the first day of summer. One interesting event is the 2007 World Solastic Art Project. This is an India-based website aiming to showcase photos of the world's sunrises and sunsets throughout June 21. Check it out.
Thanks for joining me on this day. Please read some or all of the entries. At the bottom of the page, you can also subscribe to the posts via RSS feed if that is your preference. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy my blog. Come on back!
The emptiness provides a fallow place and time for my mind to renew. Without this dark time, no idea could germinate and become fertile in the daytime sun.
Thank you for this wonderful reflection on the first day of summer. What a perfect way to start the season!
What a lovely way to begin summer. I plan to "Let Go" and enjoy it! I look forward to reading your essays as you post them. Thank you for your blog.
Hey J.T.
It's wonderful the mix of technology and the arts. Having given up my writing career due to lack of ability I always, as you stated yesterday, "write what you know." And in my case that was almost exclusively about the morons of the world. If only I had your talents mixed with my fire we could have ruled the world.
Keep up the good work.
P.J. aka Laserman
Special thanks to Ann, Clarissa, and Laserman. I sincerely appreciate your support and compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed my words and I hope that will continue. The avenues I'm afforded by our technological society are certainly amazing!
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